Thursday, May 6, 2010

FAT COW FAT COW and spontaneous crying..frickin' GREAT!

I'm 10 weeks pregnant and my stomach is HUGE. Everybody's like "it doesn't look as big as you think". To that I politely say BS! BS BS BS!!!! My stomach is bloated, swollen, gross. I know it's huge because I can see it when I look down and keep in mind my 40 pounds per boob are in between my eyes and my redneck stomach.

Next up, touching the stomach. So apparently it's going to happen. I would like to reinstate a quota. One touch and one touch only. So, if you've already touched, rubbed, or talked to my stomach you're done. You know who you are and I don't think you need/want me to name names (mom, Jessica, McCall....who am I missing?!). Plus when you lean down and talk to my stomach it looks like you're talking to my va jay jay and that's even weird.

Oh great a diet pill commercial just came on...and now I'm crying. This is ridamndiculous!

How/why has that crazy Duggar psycho done this like 30 times. INSANE!

To those who still keep mentioning twins. I love all of you and know somewhere deep, deep, DEEP down inside you mean well and are only joking BUT My vagina doesn't think you're funny and wouldn't me to pass along a message, SHUT UP. If by some insane weird medical freakshow I am carrying 2, I'll only be giving birth to one the other will just stay inside FOREVER!

Off to a home inspection where I'll probably be sweating (what asshole decided to call that glowing?!?!) WAAAAAY before anyone else.

1 comment:

  1. I vow to not touch the stomach again, I promise. :) Love you lady...and crying is good for the soul, even uncontrollable sobbing...and this time, you can blame it on hormones, not wine. :) xoxoxoox
