Monday, July 19, 2010

Holy freakin' decisions!

Jeezus! I mean literally Jesus. Among the many decisions we'll, I'll, be making in the next second is day care. Apparently it's a black market here in Savannah. WHO KNEW?!?! The second I got pregnant I was told you better get on the list here and take cupcakes to these people there and become friends with this mom over there. Did I mention I'm off alcohol, and Lexapro...probably not the best time to try and make friends. Let's be honest the ones I have are holding on by a thread waiting to have the old fun me back! PLUS those who know me won't be to shocked at the acknowledgement that ass kissing has never been my strong suit. If I think you're a d-bag sooner or later it's gonna slip moving away from the "it's who you know day care center".

What I'd ideally like is somewhere clean and free of major diseases that smells fresh (with a splash of clorox) and is painted (preferably low-voc) in the right hues to encourage genius behavior with a side of quick wit. In a perfect world it would be staffed with patient, loving, CPR trained medical professionals who choose to come to work every day(because they aren't doing it for the money). No where in my perfect daycare dream did I mention Jesus. I don't have a problem with Jesus--so I don't need you freakin' out on me-- I just don't want daycare to be about Jesus. Can't it just be about the day care of my child? Really, is that too much to ask for? I toured one facility and holy testimony. 45 minutes inside what I can only assume at one point was a cleaning closet now turned "nursing room" hearing a testimony about how Jesus lead her to open this day care. Jesus, led her to quit her job and not have one for over a momma always taught me not to quit one job until you have another but anywho...She was a very pretty lady (her highlights were worth every penny). Took the 10 minute tour and at the end end when it was time for questions all I wanted to know was "Who is your hair stylist?"

Speaking of hair mine looks fabulous!!! I gots my grays colored and they are sooooo pretty. That is sure to distract people from the beard, and mustache I'm dealing with. Michael and I have taken it to a new level of romance...he helped my wax my happy trail. Sooooo sexy!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh.... Peggy.... didn't I warn you about the 45 min "intense" meeting??? I thought I had. :)
